What is Wax Fish?

Wax Fish is a bold, contemporary twist on the Ichthys – a symbol consisting of two intersecting arcs, the ends of the right side extending beyond the meeting point so as to resemble the profile of a fish. A secret symbol used by early Christians to help them to distinguish friends from foes without exposing themselves to their enemies. It is said that in ancient times, if a Christian met a stranger on the road he would draw one arc of the fish in the dirt. If the stranger drew the other arc, both were clearly believers.

As you read in my story, the “wax fish” was created when a candle spilled in my kitchen sink. I took it as a sign…a sign to become Catholic. It has also made me reflect on the latest controversy over the legitimacy of the apparitions in Bosnia.

Currently (2015), there is quite a commotion surrounding the Medjugorje apparitions, I would like to advocate for their authenticity. I have actually been there, experienced an indescribable love, immeasurable joy and engulfing peace. For me, it was a refuge from the wickedness of everyday life. A refuge from myself…my sinful self. I’m like the saying: “I love Jesus, I just cuss a little” …drink a little… gamble a little…judge a little…fill in the sin, that’s me. However; when I was there, I was an exceedingly better version of myself: humble, loving, penitent. I prayed for EVERYONE I had ever met, including Miss Boyd from kindergarten. It was as though a slide-show of faces, I hadn’t thought about in decades, was running in my mind. It was truly remarkable!

I went to Medjugorje as a cynical protestant, and came home a devotee. It doesn’t even occur to me NOT to believe in the messages because of what I experienced there. I remember asking Mirjana why I, a non-Catholic, was in Medjugorje. Her response was encouraging, “I’ll pray for the Blessed Mother to reveal it to you.” I cannot help but wonder if my mission has been defined. Is my spiritual purpose to talk about the apparitions before the final, permanent sign is in place (using my wax fish as a conversation starter)?

Only about 10% of the people with whom I share my story have heard of Medjugorje. Most Catholics are either skeptical or unfamiliar as well. The good news is, because of my prattling on about my fish, they know now, even if they don’t believe…yet!

I think this odd, little wax fish invites everyone to:


BELIEVE in the apparitions of Medjugorje.

CELEBRATE the monthly messages on the 2nd & 25th and the Blessed Mother’s declared birthday. (Celebrate Mary: simply say a short prayer of thanksgiving, light a candle or wear a WAX FISH tee!)

Be open to RECEIVE your sign, your personal version of a wax fish.

The attention grabbing design of the Wax Fish tee provides a perfect opportunity to reveal your faith and share your unique spirit.

